Melatonin as a Sleep Aid

Melatonin as a Sleep Aid

Melatonin is a popular sleep supplement that can be easily purchased over-the-counter. It is also a hormone that occurs naturally in the body and regulates our circadian rhythms (sleep/wake cycle). Our brain doesn’t secrete it during daylight hours, rather only as night approaches, and as melatonin levels increase, cortisol levels decrease.

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Is Acupuncture More Effective If You Feel It More?

Is Acupuncture More Effective If You Feel It More?

Deqi (de chi) is defined as a tingling, numbness, heaviness, or warming sensation felt when an acupuncture needle is manipulated. Deqi occurs due to the various nerve fibers being stimulated by an acupuncture needle. “Aching, soreness, distention, heaviness, warmth and dull pain are conveyed by the slower conducting Aδ and C fibers, whereas numbness is conveyed by the faster conducting Aβ fibers.”

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Botox vs. Acupuncture for Myofascial Pain Syndrome

Botox vs. Acupuncture for Myofascial Pain Syndrome

"The same properties that make botulinum toxins harmful to the nervous system can also be used to treat a number of physical disorders involving the neuromuscular system. As botulinum toxin biological activity (mode of action) is relatively well understood, treatments have been developed for administering the right amount (proper dose) in just the right location of the body to treat various medical conditions, with minimal side effects."

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