auricular acupuncture

Auricular Acupuncture

Auricular acupuncture, also known as ear acupuncture, is a therapeutic technique that involves stimulating specific points on the ear to treat various health conditions. The ear is believed to be a microsystem that reflects the entire body, meaning that different points on the ear correspond to different organs and bodily functions. By inserting fine needles into these points, practitioners aim to alleviate symptoms and promote healing throughout the body.

How Auricular Acupuncture Works

Auricular acupuncture works by stimulating nerve endings in the ear that communicate with the brain, helping to regulate the body's internal systems (via the vagus nerve). This process can modulate pain, reduce stress, and balance the body's energy flow. The stimulation of ear points triggers the release of neurotransmitters and endorphins, which can have a calming effect on the nervous system and contribute to overall well-being.

The NADA Protocol for Addiction

One of the most well-known applications of auricular acupuncture is in the treatment of addiction through the NADA (National Acupuncture Detoxification Association) protocol. This protocol involves the insertion of five needles into specific points on the ear that correspond to the sympathetic nervous system, shen men (spirit gate), sympathetic, kidney, liver, and lung points. These points are chosen to address the physical and emotional aspects of addiction, helping to reduce cravings, manage withdrawal symptoms, and promote emotional stability.

Benefits for Pain, Insomnia, and Anxiety

In addition to its use in addiction treatment, auricular acupuncture is also effective in managing chronic pain, insomnia, and anxiety. The technique's ability to modulate pain signals and induce relaxation makes it a valuable tool for those struggling with these conditions. By targeting specific points on the ear, practitioners can help alleviate pain, improve sleep quality, and reduce anxiety, offering a holistic approach to health and wellness.

Overall, auricular acupuncture is a versatile and effective therapy that can be integrated into various treatment plans, particularly for those dealing with addiction, chronic pain, insomnia, and anxiety.

Treatment cost: $35

Contact to book: (760) 452-0865