Acupuncture is now a covered therapy under Medicare Part B for the treatment of low back pain. However, in order to use your Medicare benefits for acupuncture, you must see a participating Medicare provider. In California, licensed acupuncturists are not able to be participating Medicare providers and, unfortunately, this limits access for millions of people who are seeking help for many chronic pain conditions.
In an effort to make acupuncture more accessible, a Medicare discount of 20% off the full rate of a regular acupuncture treatment for up to 12 visits within 3 months is available for those currently receiving Medicare benefits and whose secondary insurance does not cover acupuncture.
TERMS: Discount is only valid with Regular Acupuncture Treatments. It is NOT valid with Express Acupuncture Treatments, Extended Acupuncture Treatments or Packages/Memberships. Discount is no longer valid 3 months after initial visit and is renewable each year. Your valid Medicare card must be presented at the first visit in order to receive the discounted rate.
For more information regarding Medicare coverage for acupuncture, please visit
College Students:
If you are currently enrolled at a community college or four-year university, bring your student ID at the time of treatment to receive a 15% discount off the full rate of any acupuncture treatment (excluded when using insurance).