The Science Behind Acupuncture

There have been extensive studies on the effectiveness of acupuncture for low back pain, osteoarthritis of the knee, headaches, and neck pain. We are still discovering more about the mechanisms of how acupuncture works, however scientific evidence has already established multiple methods of how acupuncture works on a molecular level.

What the science shows:

1. Acupuncture improves blood circulationAcupuncture has been shown to increase nitric oxide (NO) levels in treated regions, increasing local circulation. Nitric oxide is a key regulator of local circulation, and because changes in circulation can affect the development and persistence of pain, the use of acupuncture has been proven as an effective method of treatment for reducing pain. "Acupuncture induces an elevation of vasodilator (NO) release over skin regions, and elevated NO improves local circulation, which contribute to local warmness and the beneficial effects of acupuncture such as pain relief, improvements of sweating, and inflammation." (See study HERE)

2. Acupuncture releases natural painkillersAcupuncture has been shown to have an immediate analgesic effect on chronic pain that can last for several days after a treatment. "Acupuncture may also affect the level of pain-modulating neurotransmitters at various sites along the nociceptive pathways. The neurotransmitters include substance P and met-enkephalin. The sites include the trigeminal nucleus in the brain and the spinal dorsal horn. This may be the basis of acupuncture treatment for headache." (See study HERE)

3. Acupuncture induces a chemical reaction where a needle is insertedAccording to a meta-analysis conducted in 2017 titled The Immediate Analgesic Effect of Acupuncture for Pain, they concluded: "Based on the available data published, needle insertion of the local acupuncture points triggers the release of adenosine and changes of fibroblast organization at the loose connective tissue layer...From neurohormonal prospective, a single acupuncture treatment can facilitate the release of opioid peptides." (See study HERE).

Additionally, a study conducted in 2014 titled Neurobiological Mechanisms of Acupuncture for Some Common Illnesses: A Clinician's Perspective, it was found that: "The essence of acupuncture mechanism in this application is microinjury, increased local blood flow, facilitated healing, and analgesia. Acupuncture needle stimulates the nerves in the local tissues. This causes the release of neuropeptides resulting in vasodilation and increased circulation locally. This phenomenon is known as axon reflex, and is essentially a response to peripheral tissue injury. The hyperemia seen at the site of the needle insertion is a consequence of axon reflex." (See the study HERE)

4. Acupuncture influences neurotransmitter secretion"Acupuncture may have an analgesic effect through the release of the neurotransmitter encephalin, which inhibits the nociceptive pathway or through the release of local endorphins. It may also have an analgesic effect by inducing hyperstimulation...It has been well established that acupuncture stimulates the secretion of endorphins. Acupuncture may also affect the level of other neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine in the limbic system, which consists of a group of brain structures including the hippocampus, amygdale, and their connections with the hypothalamus as well as various centers related to emotional behavior, drive, and appetite. This may be the basis of acupuncture mechanism on smoke cessation and depression." (See study HERE)

5. The most established condition treated by acupuncture is low back painThe methods of acupuncture's effectiveness for low back pain include: microinjury, facilitated healing, axon reflexes, analgesia (acupuncture stimulation interrupts pain pathways), and intramuscular stimulation (releasing muscle shortening).

There is still a lot of research that needs to be conducted to learn more about acupuncture's mechanisms of action. Yet, the evidence available so far is opening the door within the scientific community to fully understand this ancient and amazing medicine.